A great day was had by all on Saturday at the annual Lift Industry Endurance Go Kart Challenge at Buckmore Park with the London teams best finish for many a year.
With two teams entered (London, Always Horizontal and Havant, Temple Oil Pots) there was competition between the two Temple Lifts teams along with 20 plus others from the lift industry. In the races last hour, with the London Team running neck and neck with the Oil Pots fatigue set in. A catastrophic error from the Oil Pots handed the London team a 2 lap lead this saw them taking the chequered flag in a respectable 10th place.
A great achievement from London’s ageing team, well done to Lee Vigurs (team manager), Simon Kirk, Leo Murrihy, Ray Gunner, Ben and Garry Price.
Across both teams the aches and pains of the day paled in to insignificance as the talk orientated around next year. Note: the Temple Oil Pots won’t be beaten again so watch out Always Horizontal!