Temple Lifts has received praise for the timely completion of the first phase of the overhaul of the famous Shanklin Cliff Lift on the Isle of Wight. The lift provides transport to visitors over the 33.8 metres from the cliff-top town to the beach and is a landmark well loved by both locals and tourists.

Having initially tendered for and won the project as a motor room refurbishment job, Temple Lifts has carried out a standard review of the lift and it was found that more extensive work was needed for to allow the lift to continue providing safe access to the cliff. After careful consideration, Shanklin Council decided that the complete refurbishment planned should be brought forward. As the lift still retained much of the original equipment from the 1950s, Temple’s challenge was to source suitable parts, many of which were incredibly difficult to get hold of as they are no longer manufactured.
With the lift a popular tourist attraction in its own right and located in a town with a strong tourism industry, concerns had been raised earlier in the year that the lift would not be ready in time for summer, when holidaymakers flock from around the UK and beyond. However, the Temple Lifts team pulled together true to form to deliver the first phase of the overhaul on time and ready for the school holidays – the town’s busiest time of year. Work completed to date includes replacement of the original machinery, control system replacement and installation of a new lift car, meaning that the lift can once again pro
vide vertical transport to visitors. The next phase will involve the replacement of the second lift car, due to be completed within the next few weeks and bringing the total capacity of the lifts up to a maximum of 40 people at any one time.
Needless to say, the people of Shanklin are thrilled about the swift delivery of a very challenging project. As of Thursday 21st July, the Shanklin Cliff Lift once again ensures that holidaymakers have easy access to both the amenities of the town and the natural beauty of the beach – particularly important with the fantastic weather we’ve been having!
Read about what other news sources have said about the project: